Quickfire Brand Overhaul Session:

Get Out Of The Audience Friend-Zone. Become A Leader & Authority. Get Paid Way More, Way Faster. 

If you're creating content, sending DMs, making offers, follow up & doing all the things you're 'supposed' to be doing but it isn't converting into multi 5 or 6 figure months yet, you very likely have a 'brand image' issue. Let's fix that FAST!


Let me know if ANY of this sounds familiar:

- You post content regularly, it generates engagement & positive comments, but it's not generating hot inbound leads ready to drop 4 - 5 figures in the DMs

- You've got a bunch of folks in the DMs, they want your lead magnets, they love your content, they say they love your work BUT they aren't jumping into your offers

- You launch a new offer (at whatever price) & it gets a few bites, maybe a few sales, but it never POPS like you want it to...

- Folks in your DMs say they want to work with you, but now isn't the time so you follow up again & again but it never happens 

- You get TONS of questions in the DMs from folks who never ultimately become clients 

- You get ghosted often after making your offers in the DMs

If one, or a few, of these things are happening to you on a regular basis there's a very real chance you're in the 'friend-zone' with a bunch of people in your world. 

This means they love you, they love what you do & they're happy to 'chat' but when push comes to shove:

Their $$$ goes elsewhere. 

Where does it go? 

NOT to the person they view as a friend, regardless of how much you wish it would...

It goes to the person they view as a leader, an expert, an authority & a true problem solver. 

If you're reading this & thinking 'oh no that sounds like me...' don't stress, you aren't alone. 

Not only is this SUPER common, it's actually quite a simple fix. 

With a few tweaks we can overhaul your brand, your image & get folks to start seeing you as the mentor, the coach & the leader for them...

And most importantly, the one they want to stop everything for & invest with NOW. 

Not another friend on FB or IG. 

On this workshop I'm going deep on the simple tweaks you can make to your brand starting TODAY to get out of the friend-zone...

And start being viewed as the leader, the expert & the authority who gets paid VERY well. 

The brand who signs clients who don't hesitate to move. 

The mentor & coach who sells out over & over again. 


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All The Details

This is a recording of a deep-dive workshop. 

The cost is $100. 

By the end of the workshop you'll know:

The exact steps to get your brand OUT of the friend-zone...

How to position yourself correctly as a leader people want to invest with... 

How to fast-track your DM convos to land more clients way faster...

How to have your offers pop every time you drop them...

How to quickly overhaul your brand image so you become THE one for your people. 

Plus much much more. 

There's no big pitch at the end (although some of you may decide you want to work with me to implement this). 

This is for anyone who has a course, coaching or consulting business & wants to STOP being seen as a friend to their audience & wants to start getting paid a lot of money for what you're good at.

If you're ready to dive in, click the button below & let's get started. 


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